Zara Sizing Guide – How to Find the Perfect Fit

Last Updated: February 22, 2022

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Zara is known for their affordable and trendy clothes, but they’re also known for something else – fluctuating sizes. We’ve curated an ultimate Zara sizing guide to help you find your ideal size, because nobody wants to deal with pesky returns every time they try to buy a cute new garment.

Although trying on garments in store is ideal, sometimes you don’t have the opportunity if you’re shopping online or just don’t want to deal with the hassle. Plus, some fitting rooms are even still closed due to the pandemic. Read through our Zara sizing guide to maximize your chances of picking the perfect size when shopping at Zara.

Note: If you feel you may need to return, shopping online is the easiest since they offer free return shipping.

How to Find Your Zara Size

We’ll be sharing a few tips and tricks for finding your size.

Online Zara Sizing Guide

Although you can’t find helpful reviews on each garment like many clothing stores offer, one way to find your best size is to click their sizing guide featured within each product you’re shopping. You can find this below the size selection (circled in the photo below).

In fact, their sizing guide is one of the best out there. You simply enter your height, weight, and how you want the garment to fit (tighter, perfect, or looser). Then, it gives you your ideal size based on your measurements.

You can end it there if you’d like, but it will ask a couple additional questions after this to get a more accurate prediction in case you want to make sure it’s extra accurate.

Zara Sizing Symbols

A recent viral Tik Tok claimed there is a size-related meaning behind the shaped symbols on Zara tags. According to these videos, the circle symbol on their tags means the product runs large, the square symbol means that it’s true to size, or a triangle means that it runs small.

Circle = Runs large

Square = True to size

Triangle = Runs small

Is this true?

Many people on social media have tested this hypothesis and it seems to be more accurate than blindly purchasing clothes from the brand.

However, these symbols weren’t originally created for sizing purposes. Many people who work at Zara have stated that these symbols indicate different clothing collections rather than sizing.

That said, using these symbols to help choose a size can still be helpful.

For example, it makes sense that TRF (the triangle symbol) runs smaller since it’s aimed at a younger age group. If you’re shopping within the Basic collection (circle symbol), you may want to size down, while you may want to size up when it comes to the TRF collection (triangle symbol). The Woman collection (circle symbol) seems to be the most true-to-size collection.

Bottom Line

Overall, the Zara sizing guide on their website can definitely help if you’re shopping online (or you could even fill it out if you’re shopping in store). Just pull up your phone, find the garment on their website, and fill out the information real quick.

When in doubt, we’d recommend sizing down since it seems that Zara runs small more often than not. Also, most shoppers have found that sizing is typically true to size for numbered sizes, but more frequently runs small when it comes to letter sizes (like S, M, L).

Happy shopping! Luckily, if you’re shopping online, you can take advantage of their free return shipping policy.


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