How to Be an “It Girl” in 6 Simple Steps

Last Updated: October 12, 2021

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When we think of “it girls” of our past, many names can come to mind. Brigette Bardot, Twiggy, Iman and even current stars like Gigi Hadid and Lily Rose Depp have been known to set the standard for the masses. 

What is so special about these women that has the entire world intrigued? Their fashion style, beauty and work with the most famous photographers have brought these names to many households. Their fierce attitudes have made them into stars that won’t be forgotten. 

With just a couple of lifestyle changes and some goal setting, your perfect it girl plan can be set in motion. It is important to keep in mind throughout this guide that beauty comes first from within. You can’t expect people to love you if you’re not taking care of yourself first! 

Step 1: Be Confident 

Sometimes it’s really hard to get to where we want when you can’t even get out of bed in the morning. This is why it is important to set goals and recognize the things that you have already achieved. 

If you can become confident in yourself, it will reflect on to others that are around you. This will just further push your aura to reach out to people and pull them in. Find a hobby that you can excel at or a different trait to pick up on, you will quickly see that you can do many things you didn’t think of. 

If you are the main character, people will treat you like one. 

Step 2: Manifest 

The Law of Attraction tells us that what you attract is what you are sending out. If you want something badly enough and are able to focus on it daily, eventually the stars will play out. 

Manifesting is something that I first found hard to do, but the more I believed in it and myself, the more things started to play out exactly how I wanted.

Write down the goals that you are clear on in a list. Putting your goals out into the universe will only make the notion more powerful. If you never ask, you’ll never find out. 

Make a mantra for yourself that you can repeat out loud three to six times a day. Take action with your manifesting and trust the process, you need to put in the work if you want your dreams to come true! Trust the process. 

Step 3: Meditation 

Meditation is something I have been incorporating in my daily routine for about four months now. It has changed my life for the better, it is a powerful activity. It can help you become more grounded, less stressed and it can increase your self esteem and ability to focus. 

I meditate in the mornings before I check my phone or social media. Doing so before you check your Instagram feed can help center you for the rest of the day and gives you time to set your intentions. 

Yoga with Adrienne has great meditation videos for inner peace, self love and self-care.  

Step 4: Exercise and Eat Right

Exercising can truly help you feel at your best. Once you go hard enough and start to see change, you will be happy that you put in the work to get there. Being in your best shape will accelerate your confidence. 

Like they say, it is 80% diet and 20% exercise. You can’t expect to see results by eating fast food every day, it just isn’t realistic. When you fill your body with foods that provide good nutrition, you will feel the effect.

You don’t have to eat a salad for every meal, portion control is key!

Emmi Wong has a great channel to cater to your body’s needs. Her programs are targeted and all are able to be done at home. You have no excuse to not get in shape! 

Step 5: Dress the Part and Set the Trend 

Nobody is going to care if you aren’t trying to create something at all times. For example, I love to take photos for Instagram and I find that my followers enjoy when I put effort into outfits and accessorizing. By doing different at home photoshoots and making different characters with makeup and clothes, I am able to have all eyes on me! 

It girls usually have outstanding Instagram accounts, it can showcase your style and aesthetics to a huge audience. Don’t be afraid to be yourself on different social media apps, you never know who is watching! 

Developing your own style and ways to take photos will show others how they are able to do the same thing themselves. You can easily become the blueprint for those around you by not being afraid to dress the way you want and trying new things. 

No it girl was ever a drag! 

Step 6: Be Kind

No matter how far you get in life, it is always important to stay humble and be kind to those around you. You never know everything that is going on in someone’s life, and being a complete nightmare to be around is only going to give you a bad reputation. 

Be approachable.

Bottom Line – Appreciate What You’ve Got 

If you work on yourself and become the best version you can be, you’ll master my complete guide to becoming an it girl. It’s going to take work to become known and you have to be willing to give it your all. 

Don’t forget to put yourself first. Stay on trends, study fashion, observe and learn from all of the steps that you are putting towards investing in you. 

Styles to Lookout for this SummerCottagecore, mesh and deconstructed clothing.

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