Boxycharm vs. Ipsy (2022): Which Comes Out On Top?

Last Updated: September 26, 2022

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Monthly beauty boxes are such a fun and exciting way to try new makeup, plus if you pick the right subscription, you can get a great value of products! Boxycharm and Ipsy are two of the most popular options out there, and since I’ve subscribed to both for a few months, I’ll be sharing my Boxycharm vs. Ipsy comparison.

In the past, Boxycharm was clearly the best, but there might be a new winner after Ipsy released their Glam Bag Plus. This is very similar to Boxycharm: same price, the same amount of full-size products, and same box values.

In our eyes, Ipsy is the clear winner! Curious about what you’re going to get in your Ipsy Subscription? Check out their official spoilers.

Here is an overview of each subscription to show a few of their differences and similarities:

Main Differences: Ipsy Vs. Boxycharm

Glam Bag: $10/month (4–5 samples)
Glam Bag Plus: $25/month (4–5 full-size products)
Glam Bag X: $55/quarter (8 full-size products)
Regular: $25/month (4–5 full-size products)
Premium: $35 / month (6 full-size products)
Luxe: $49.99/month (8–9 full-size products)
Choose 3 items per month (must do during the 2nd – 3rd of the month)Choose 1 item per month
Products customized based on beauty quizProducts customized based on beauty quiz
Frequently offer free gifts or discounts when you first joinFrequently offer free gifts when you first join
View all of their previous products featuredView all of their past boxes
Average box value for glam bag plus $120+Average box value for regular membership $120+
Earn points to redeem for free products by referring friends and reviewing productsEarn “charms” to redeem for free products by referring friends and reviewing products 

My Boxycharm vs. Ipsy Comparison

Since that overview looks almost exactly the same, it’s time to get into the actual differences between the two subscriptions. 

Having subscribed to both for a few months so I could compare side-by-side, one thing is for sure in my case: Ipsy Glam Bag Plus is the winner

On the surface, both subscriptions are very similar, but the true difference lies within what you receive inside the boxes each month. 


Variety – I’ve found that Ipsy offers a larger variety of brands (and more higher-end brands that I actually know and love).  With Boxycharm, I frequently received the same mid-tier brands (Pur, Wander Beauty, and Ofra were a few recurring brands). While these brands have some great products, I’ve definitely received some poor-quality items. 

At first, I loved that Boxycharm always includes a full-size eyeshadow palette each month, but at some point you just have too many palettes. 

Product Quality – There have also been a few times where I received dried-out products in Boxycharm, and this has never happened with Ipsy. 

Customization – I’ve noticed that Ipsy seems to better tailor the products in my box towards my beauty profile and preferences. Boxycharm definitely doesn’t put as much focus on this. On top of that, Boxycharm lets you choose 1 product each month, while Ipsy lets you select 3 products. 

Skincare Products – Ipsy includes skincare products, which I’ve never received in a Boxycharm. 

What Do Others Think?

I’m only one person, so I figured I’d scour the internet for other Ipsy vs. Boxycharm feedback to see what people prefer.

“Ipsy all the way. Between Boxycharm’s subpar brands like Pur and scandals, plus their snarky responses to customers, Ipsy is the better value.” – ImReallyNotKarl on Reddit

“I cancelled Boxy for Ipsy GBP and I haven’t regretted it yet! I kept getting crappy Pur palettes, lashes, and gel liner from Boxycharm. I’ve really enjoyed almost everything from Ipsy.” – kinezumi89 on Reddit

“I think I will switch back to Ipsy after September because of the add ons.” – Kristine_Flamez on Reddit

“I canceled Boxycharm this month after 3 months of never being blown away by their boxes, and customer service is terrible.” – _comealongpond on Reddit

After scouring through various forums and reading 50+ opinions, it’s clear to see that most other comparison reviews prefer Ipsy Plus to Boxycharm.

Bottom Line: Which is Better?

I was a diehard fan of Boxycharm before Ipsy Glam Bag Plus came out, but now prefer Ipsy so much more (NOT the regular glam bag, however). I highly recommend spending the extra $15 on the Glam Bag Plus subscription. Unless you just really want samples, the regular Glam Bag just isn’t worth it. 

With the full-size box, even if you receive something you don’t want, you can gift these full-size products to friends or family! 

You might prefer Boxycharm if you love eyeshadow palettes or only want to receive makeup (Ipsy includes skincare as well). But, you can customize your Ipsy beauty profile to exclude as many skincare items as possible, plus you’re able to personally select up to 3 items per month for Ipsy.

I will also say that, after checking their most recent previous boxes, Boxycharm seems to be making small improvements when it comes to brand variety and they seem to be adding skincare products as well.

If you want to compare their previous boxes in more detail to see which products you like more, both subscriptions make it easy. View Boxycharm’s past boxes and Ipsy’s past featured products

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